Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Stop by and say Hi

It's National Blog Delurking Week. For all of you out there that are lurking around it is time to stop and say Hi. Just leave a quick comment. No big deal. Tell me about yourself. How did you find my blog? If that's a bit too much you can tell me what your favorite 80's movie is. (I love Pretty in Pink.) Sounds like fun, right?

I love meeting new people in the blog community! So come on, out yourself.


  1. I can't remember how I first found you, probably from someone else's blog roll. I've been reading since September - thanks! My favorite 80's movie is probably Goonies, but I also love Flight of the Navigator. :-)

  2. I can't remember how I found you either but I've been reading (and occasionally commenting) for several months.

    Fave 80s film - "A Room With a View". Cliched, I know, but I'm a woman of A Certain Age :-)

  3. My favorite 80's movie was The Leftovers (John Denver's finest role!).

  4. I can't remember how I found you or if I've commented before, but I love stopping by! Feel free to check out my blog, too :) Hopefully 2010 is our year to become moms!

    I was only born in 80, so alot of the 80's movies were a tad before I was really into movies... is Dirty Dancing an 80's movie? ;-)

  5. Ooh, Pretty In Pink is a goodie!

    My personal fav...Sixteen Candles. My heart skips a beat every time the wedding crowd clears and Sam sees Mike standing against his Porsche waiting for her.

    I get butterflies just thinking about it.

  6. I'm not really delurking as I have commented before. My fav film is Dirty Dancing (was that in the 80's?)

  7. Honestly I think I found you after you found me and made an awesome comment on my blog. You seem like an amazing person and love being part of your cheering section. My fav 80's movie? Gosh. There are so many, but I'd have to go with Amadeus, directed by Milos Forman.

    The music, the costumes, the sets, and especially the acting. Superb, sublime.

  8. I'm here - not so much a lurker but here none the less. No favourite 80's movie - I was only born in 86! - but otherwise I am a big fan of Wall-E, never thought I would say an animated film was my favourite!
