Sunday, October 7, 2012


First thank you to all you ladies who commented on my last post. Those were some great suggestions and I had so many good questions going in. The "interview" went really well and I like her. We are going to stick with her. We didn't interview any of the other 5 pediatricians in our area, but she comes highly recommended and really there are only 6 total pediatricians here. She took us right back when we got there and was more than happy to spend all the time we needed with her to answer our questions, even with a full waiting room. They do have a "well baby" room separate from the normal waiting room for well baby appointments. I asked about formula and she said to buy whatever is on sale. (More on breast feeding later) She said to include one extra blanket when baby sleeps for the first few months. It really doesn't get super cold here so I don't need to bundle her up like an eskimo. She said the only shot they give in the hospital is for Hepatitis B and it's no big deal. She was laid back and honest and is a mother of three herself. She applauded M and her decision to place and couldn't say enough how much she admired her maturity and selflessness. (Which I appreciated.) So we have a pediatrician! YEAH! One more thing to check off the list.

M is 5 1/2 weeks away from delivery and we are getting more excited and anxious with each passing day. She doesn't seem to ever falter in her decision to place. She is so excited about everything. I have really tried to shift my focus the last few days to putting my trust in my Heavenly Father and no one else. It has made a huge difference. Not that I don't trust M, it's just I need faith in a higher power. I need to have faith that He knows the outcome and is taking care of me and M and little miss. He is our loving Father and wants what's best for all of us. So instead of wondering how M will ever be able to make such a hard and life-changing decision I know that He will help her make it and is already holding our hands through all of this. It has been such an amazing and miraculous journey already and baby isn't even here yet. What a blessing to be chosen to be her eternal family. 


  1. I am so happy for you! Your pediatrician sounds great! And I am so happy to imagine you hold YOUR tender child. It is a surreal moment. and what a beautiful experience it will be to have your sweet baby sealed to you and your husband. The sweetest culmination of your long wait. I am overjoyed for you. Congratulations!

  2. Yay, glad you found a pediatrician! I hope the next 51/2 weeks will go by fast for you. Continue to put your faith in Heavenly Father. He has promised you many more blessings in your life. :)

  3. Awesome!! Sounds like you hit the jackpot with the Pediatrician! Having been in your exact position before I have a little advice if you want it... Don't dwell on what "could" happen. Dwell on enjoying your last few weeks as a family of two and enjoy finishing up the loose ends on what you need for little Miss. If people in your life begin asking the "what if's" about birth mom placing with you, kindly tell them you aren't interested in thinking on the negative and you appreciate their concern but you have big things to accomplish and think about that are great, positive and full of joy in your life. God has already inscribed this plan for all 4 of you and it's written and it's beautiful. Continue your focus on Him. I'm praying for all of you.
