Sunday, January 24, 2010


So still no AF! I don't know what is going on. I haven't had a late cycle in a long time. (Well other than maybe a day off.) Even when it has been a day late I have had some spotting to tell me she is about to come. I have had NO spotting. Not even a hit of pink. I have felt a tiny bit crampy... I think my body is all screwed up. DH thinks I am magically pregnant since we are doing IVF next month. I think he is crazy. I am going to give it until Tuesday and then I will POAS if there is still no sign of her. I am still fine cycle wise for our plan. As long as she comes sometime this week. I am just annoyed. Why is it when I want her to come she doesn't?


  1. Wow, keep us posted! It would be great to be magically pregnant ;-)

  2. It's not unheard of, you know. I have a friend who was scheduled to start IVF in February and got pregnant in January.

    Of course the weren't sever MFI like us.

    A girl can hope, tho!

  3. Magically pregnant WOULD be wonderful! Sorry AF isn't showing her face, but I can't help but hope...

  4. I am having an odd cycle too and we are scheduled for our first IUI cycle, so hubby thinks the same here "magical cycle"

    Hoping and praying for you !!!

  5. Grrrrr, isn't it like stupid murphy's law to have AF late when you want her to show up. Typical. Well I for one, also hope that you are magically the lucky one who gets knocked up before a cycle, but just keep yourself calm, anything can happen.

  6. A "magical pregnancy" would be incredibly wonderful...I'm going to hope for that for you!

  7. How amazing would it be to have a magical pregnancy?!! I was on the BC before this IVF cycle and AF never showed up, but we proceeded with the cycle.

    Whatever happens, I will be praying for you guys.

  8. Blah -- that sucks. I'm sorry! Good luck with everything!

  9. Gah - how frustrating! Hoping she arrives soon for you so you can get the ball rolling!

  10. Ahhh!! The AF frustrastion!!

    Maybe a miracle?? Fingers crossed!!! :)

  11. Always the way! It seems to know when and when not to play ball.

    Getting a surprise pregnancy just before starting treatment is not unheard of and was something that I had got into my head last month.

    Really hoping this is a surprise pregnancy and not your body playing tricks on you. Keep us posted.

  12. Sending peace and patiene and lots of gosh darn hope that you are indeed magically pregnant.

    It can happen. We concieved the month we were to do our first IUI.
