Friday, July 30, 2010

Why do I worry?

Seriously, what a waste of time! Yesterday my lining was only at 8.9 cm. The nurse laughed and said see, you are fine. (I called her in a panic on Tuesday, and she was so wonderful and totally calmed my mind. Have I said how much I love her.) So transfer is set for Monday. She actually said I could do it any day that worked for me, but with my boss being out next week, Monday will work best. I got my rx for Valium. YES! I am excited to be relaxed and carefree this time. Last time was so anxiety inducing. Hopefully my bp will be low and even and normal, last time it was so high before the transfer.

How am I feeling? Just kind of like whatever. Not really excited not doubtful, just whatever. I am excited to go in and see how our day 1 embies did. My RE has said they are more like fresh embryos, so they have a better chance at success. I am interested to see how many we have. They are frozen in sets of 3 and he said he would transfer 3 if they all make it. I see that as pretty unlikely, but that would be neat. I am also excited to get a picture of our little ones this time. All in all, I am just pretty ready for it to be over with. I want my embryos in my uterus now!

As far as side effects go, yesterday was a rough day. I was so anxious! I think it was because of the whole lining thing. Today seems to be a lot better thus far. I started my progesterone suppositories and antibiotics today, hoping they won't throw more insanity into the mix.


  1. Glad to hear your lining is right on track! Good luck Monday :). I'll be thinking of you.

  2. Excellent news :) Will be praying your embies snuggle in tight!

  3. Good luck on Monday! crossing my fingers and toes for you and LOTS OF BABY DUST FOR YOU TOO!

  4. So excited for your transfer!

  5. 8.9 is a good number!

    Wishing you all the best for your transfer on Monday.

  6. Beautiful lining, beautiful embabies, and a beautiful and loving mother...sounds like the recipe for success and happiness!! All the best!!!!! XOX
