So I know I have been missing in action for a bit now. I have just had so much on my mind. With my mom being sick, infertility, and the holidays I just have so much on my mind. Did I mention we are hosting Thanksgiving in our new house?!?! I am super excited about it. I have been making most of the food for the last 3 years, so the only difference is it will be at our house. My mom will be making the turkey and stuffing and my sisters all have their assignments. I can't believe it is next week! I am looking forward to being in my kitchen all day and enjoying family. We will have both sets of parents, my 4 sisters who all still live at home, and maybe
DH's oldest sister's family. We will have 17 total if
DH's sister comes. If now we will back down to 10. Then we will drive the hour back to our hometown to do a little (maybe a lot) of Black Friday shopping! I love Black Friday shopping. The mess of crowds, the early morning air, and oh the deals. Can't wait!
While I have been away I have still been reading your blogs. I was so sad to learn that two fellow IF sister had miscarriages in the last week. Please go over and give
MeAndBaby who just had her 3rd miscarriage after
IUI #7 and
Baby OCD who is having her first loss after 5 failed
IFV's and her first
DIUI. It is so incredibly unfair to try as hard as we do and have a pregnancy end in miscarriage. After all the time, effort and money it shouldn't happen. My heart goes out to both of these amazingly strong women.